This great graphic is from a recent article by Kelly Crow on the Pace Gallery in the WSJ (via

As we hunker down for Hurricane Irene, which has just hit New York City, we decided to make this week’s Required Reading a photo-heavy one. From images of chairs to maps comparing New York to cities around the world, there are images galore in the links.

 Webster’s has finally added “tweet” and “social media” to the dictionary. What took them so long?

 The Flickrstream of vanshnookenraggen has a fantastic series of images that superimposes the map of New York City on other cities around the world. It makes you realize how sprawling LA is, for instance.

 A blog about chairs and nothing else. Yum. (via @itscolossal)

 Great images — and interesting post — about the Water Cube aquatic center in Beijing, which was designed for the 2008 Olympics by an Australian firm, PTW Architects. Written on Lebbeus Woods’s blog, it includes this great lede:

The irony about this project is that, although the plastic, ETFE ,is supposed to be a type of self-cleaning material, the project looks incredibly dirty. Perhaps the material manufacturers underestimated the air pollution in Beijing? Certain parts of the building, inside the Voronoi structure for instance, seemed impossible to clean, yet the accumulation of dust is rather obvious.

 A fantastic book of blueprints to the Star Wars galaxy. Yes, it’s exactly what you think it is. (h/t JP)

 Only the Swiss would have a mural that explains “How to Work Better.”

 Facebook has bulked up its photo capabilities, including larger images, better displays and quicker access.

 And finally, a music video and song inspired by Instagram users. If you don’t know what Instagram is, it’s the latest photo sharing craze among smartphone users. You can follow me on Instagram here.

Required Reading is published every Sunday morning, and it is comprised of a short list of art-related links (10 or less) to long-form articles, videos, blog posts or photo essays worth a second look.

Hrag Vartanian is editor-in-chief and co-founder of Hyperallergic.